Introducing your toddler to books at an early age is incredibly important. As a former first grade teacher, I had a ton books that I used in both my classroom library and as read alouds to my students. I loved to read to my students every day. Once I became a mom, I knew I wanted to have my toddler exposed to all of the classic kid’s books. We read at least 2 stories every day. The love I have for books is clearly rubbing off on my son. Although this list is growing and changing every month, here are my Top 5 Books for Toddlers.
“Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?”
This is such a classic! Ever since he was a baby, I would read this story to him each and every night. He learned about different animals and the names of colors by reading this book. Let’s just say that our “Brown Bear” book is completely worn from reading it so much! Oftentimes, I will see him on the couch reading this book to himself! There are so many wonderful books by Eric Carle. Clearly, he is a fantastic author that all kids love!
“Let’s Go Rescue Trucks”
This book is all about trucks! It is a quick story to read and allows the reader to spin the wheels of each rescue truck (which is my son’s favorite part!) The fact that this book is interactive is genius! This book features a fire truck, lifeguard truck, snowplow, ambulance and MORE. He quickly learned all the names of these rescue trucks!! Click the picture below to check it out on amazon.
“The Pout Pout Fish”
My son STILL can’t get enough of this board book. Pout Pout is a fish who is always feeling glum. Throughout the story, his friends try to cheer him up. However, a special friend visits him and he then changes his perspective. This book not only rhymes but contains some mighty vocabulary terms too! There are a series of Pout Pout books where he goes on different adventures! If you haven’t check this book out yet, do so now!
“How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?”
This was hands down one of my favorite read alouds as a first grade teacher. I remember my students “ooh-ing and aah-ing” as they looked at the beautiful illustrations of the colorful dinosaurs. Every time I read this, I am in awe of the stunning illustrations too! The message of this story is beautiful. Even when a child ( or dinosaur!) misbehaves, they still show that they love and care for you in many ways! I love reading this at bedtime! There are so many other great books in this series such as “How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?” and “How Do Dinosaurs Go to School?”. This book doesn’t disappoint!

How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?
“If You Give a Dog a Donut”
Have you heard of “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”? This books written by the same author. My son can’t get enough of this silly cause and effect book. The dog climbs an apple tree, plays baseball, and even goes on a treasure hunt. My son especially loves the part when the dog makes a home run and does a dance to celebrate! There are a ton of different books from Laura Numeroff too! Be sure to check out “If You Give a Dog a Donut!”
Happy reading!! These were my toddler’s top 5 favorite books! However, his favorites are always changing! Stay tuned!

My son reading his favorite, “If You Give a Dog a Donut”
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